Answer a few questions and we will send you a customized, DIY marketing action plan (with checklist) created just for your business.

Your action plan will include:

  • 3 items customized for your business (with instructions) you need to do now to get more leads
  • Quick wins that will get you big results
  • A checklist with the ultimate master marketing plan that you can implement as time allows

Hi! I'm Christy.

With an MBA in Marketing and 15+ years of experience in the industry... I have learned what works and what doesn't. 

I want to share that knowledge with you! 

I know that wearing all of the hats in your business can be really tough and that also makes it impossible to stay on top of the constantly changing marketing trends & strategies.

Do you want some professional training and help staying on top of the trends? Book a 15 minute Discovery Call to see if coaching for DIY marketing is right for you!

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Marketing Coaching for the Business Owner

With the help of a marketing professional, create a robust marketing strategy for your business and receive step-by-step training on how to implement the pieces of that strategy.  

More Leads. More Sales. 12 Weeks.

Social media strategy | Optimize your website with SEO | Email Marketing | Online Ads | And More!

1:1 Coaching

Professional coaching will teach you how to implement the strategies you need to be using to get results

12 Weeks

9 sessions via zoom, a custom action plan, step-by-step training, and (lifetime) access to ask questions

Action Plan

Marketing is not one-size fits all. You need a custom approach to grab the attention of your market get more leads

Track Results

Get training and a plan to track results so you can continue to grow your marketing efforts and improve results

Learn how to market your own business.

Book your 15-min discover call to get started.

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