
Top 5 Things Dive Shops Owners Must Do to Market their Business

Jul 22, 2024

Owning a dive shop is a dream that many people never accomplish. 

Let's face it. Entering a dive shop is entering a world of adventure, excitement, and pure fun.

But... somewhere along the way, accounting, purchasing, and marketing had to be done too.

Suddenly a day that was supposed to be filled with the scheduling of fun boat trips and certification instruction is now filled with super monotonous tasks that steal the joy out of every day.

How did this happen? Business ownership is not for the weak, but with a little help, things will get better!

Marketing is a big word that means different things to different people. To me, marketing means getting more leads. Leads are more people interested in what you are doing and at some point, they will take the next step. 

So there are 5 things you can be doing right now to get your marketing under control.

1. Website Optimization

Make sure your website is up-to-date and easy to navigate. Your title tags and meta tags should also be set up to help people find you online. Many times, the title and meta tags can be found under the settings tab on your website.  On top of that ever website should have- good picture, a phone number and email clearly listed, and a call to action. A call to action is the next step you want the prospect to take. While this could be Buy Now, it is likely... Learn more. 

2. Social Media

Pick two social media platforms and stick with those. You do NOT need to be on every platform. Plan to schedule a post once/week. Tagging dive buddies and customers that trusted you are great ways to get the word out there about your shop.

3. Ask for Reviews

Schedule a text message asking for a 5 star review to be sent after a customer finishes a certification or heads out on a trip with you. Reviews influence the buying decision in a big way. 

4 Social Groups

Spend some time each day in groups. Facebook groups exist to help people and many people are looking for ideas of things to do. You can chime in with what your dive shop offers! Be sure to provide other advice as well so you are seen as an area expert as well. 

5. Online Advertising

Online advertising is huge and can be used to sell items directly from your store or get you leads for trips or certification classes you want to book. You can run ads for as little as $5/day so this method will not break the bank!  

Improvements in your marketing on a daily basis will get you results! Don't wait... get started on implementing some of these strategies right away. You won't regret it. 

If you want a custom DIY Marketing Plan for your dive shop, hop on a free, 15-minute Q&A call with us this week! We will ask you a few questions and then send you a custom plan you can implement in house. 

This will be the BEST decision you make all week. 

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